Thursday, June 11, 2015

Clever 12 x 24 House Design Video

Michael Janzen from Tiny House Design ( ) of California came up with this clever and efficient design.  It's 576 sq. ft. with a full loft, or 432 sq. ft with a half loft.   It would be very inexpensive to build due to it's diminutive size, basic shape, and simple foundation.  I asked him yesterday if he'd finalized the design, but he said that unfortunately he's put this one on the back burner for awhile.  Perhaps posting it here today will help move it back to a front burner so he can finish it up and make those plans available.  Many people, myself included, find this to be a very appealing design.  

I also asked  Michael what the little door and space in the back were for, but I'm still waiting for a response on that.  I assume it's a mechanical area for a water heater and furnace of some sort, or possibly a place where solar equipment like batteries, inverters and such would be kept.

Regardless, it is pretty remarkable just how much comfort, convenience, and functionality he has crammed into this 12' x 24' footprint.  Nice job Michael.  Keep up the good work.

By the way, Michael has an excellent blog that you can connect to using the link above.  He has an endlessly creative mind when it comes to efficient use of space, and he is a master with Google's free SketchUp 3D design software (which he used to create the video above).  He has an outstanding series of videos on YouTube in which he provides detailed and practical instructions on using SketchUp to design tiny houses.  You can find them by searching YouTube for "How to draw a tiny house with Google SketchUp".  I think it's a four part series.  Look for the ones that say "by tinyhousedesign".

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